Enrolling with Rosslyn MicroFlyers flight school to become a Pilot is easy, affordable and something you will never regret. Call us today to book an introductory flight with one of our instructors to experience the freedom of flight. We will guide you with excellent flight training to ensure you become a safe and responsible pilot. If you enroll as a flight student with us you need to become a Flying Club member for at least the duration of your training.
Licensing of microlight pilots
To legally fly a Microlight in South Africa, one must be 17 years and in possession of a valid NPL (National Pilots License) valid Medical and Restricted Radio license.
To obtain a license, the would be pilot must enroll at a flight school which has been granted the necessary authority by CAA (Civil Aviation Authority) and receive their training from a licensed and approved flight instructor. Rosslyn MicroFlyers is such ATO (Aviation Training Organization) with registration number SACAA DTO 0070
The training requires a total of not less than 25 hours flying (10 hours thereof dual and 15 solo)and you need to pass all the exams by at least 75%
At the beginning of the training the student must have a medical examination and we will apply at CAA for a student license.
After the training and passing of all the relevant exams the student must undergo a final flight tests by an instructor other than the one who did the training he gets his National Pilots License from CAA (valid for the type on which he/she has trained)
Licensing of microlight aircraft
The licencing of all Microlight Aircraft falls under the control of the CAA (Civil Aviation Authority)
Microlight licensing and operation is governed by South African Civil Aviation Regulations Part 24. This sets out in detail all the rules and regulations.
To operate a Microlight aircraft legally, the owner must be in possession of a valid ATF (Authority to Fly) document, which is issued by CAA.
CAA will issue this document if the following conditions are met:
The owner must be a bone-fide paid up member of MISASA (The Microlight Section of the Aero Club of South Africa) and have taken out the microlight third party insurance.
The aircraft must be a CAA approved type.
The aircraft must have had a certified “Annual Inspection” by an Approved Person, and the owner must have the signed inspection certificate.
The aircraft must be registered by CAA and have a registration number issued and clearly displayed on the aircraft ( ZU- number).
If all conditions are met CAA will issue the ATF (Authority to fly) which must be renewed annually.
Operation microlight aircraft
All rules and regulations concerning the operation of Microlight Aircraft are set out in Part94 of the regulations which is controlled by CAA.
Mainly, both the pilot and the aircraft must be legal – the pilot must have a valid NPL (National Pilots License) and be a paid up member of MISASA, and have a valid third party insurance.
The aircraft must have a valid ATF (Authority to Fly) from CAA.
A microlight may not fly over a built-up area (the yellow areas on the aeronautical charts).
A microlight must not fly lower than 500 ft vertically over or 2000 ft horizontally from any person, animal or dwelling.
A microlight may not enter controlled airspace unless equipped with VHF radio, compass and altimeter, and then only with permission from ATC (Air Traffic Control)
A microlight may not fly at night (defined as 15 after sunset to 15 minutes before sunrise).
A microlight may not fly IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) or in sub VFR (Visual Flight Rules) conditions.
A microlight pilot, other than an instructor in the course of training a student or conducting introductory flights, may not take passengers for any form of remuneration. Other than that we can pretty much fly and enjoy the freedom of flight. South Africa is a BIG country. Go and explore!